29.09 -УРОК ДЛЯ 9-В.ПОСИЛАННЯ НА УРОК https://meet.google.com/mvu-wmbc-iik
УРОК 16.09 ДЛЯ 9-А Тема " Family and friends" Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about traits of character. Read the quotation and discuss it . “Every human has three characters – that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has.” First, make a mind map with the words you associate with the topic. В зошитах запишіть число, класна робота і запишіть кілька слів (8-10) , що асоціюються у вас з цитатою, яку ви прочитали . And now answer the questions ( дайте письмові відповіді ) - Which features of character do you appreciate ( цінуєте) in people? -What kind of people do you respect? -Name negative features you did not want to have. Look at the photos and answer the question - Why do you think these two people are so special? Read the article about these cool people. Tom Sietas When people
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